How do you make a great parenting plan?

How do you make a great parenting plan?

On behalf of Mohajer Law Firm, APC posted in child custody and parenting plans on Friday, June 14, 2019.

Child custody is an important part of your divorce. While it’s essential to get the right custody plan in place, what’s almost as essential is getting a parenting plan together that you’re both happy with.

Parenting plans differ from custody because they guide what you can or cannot do when your child is in your custody. The plans talk about what you expect and what your responsibilities are. For example, you might list off which religion your child will be practicing and where, the kinds of activities your child can or cannot do and what you expect to happen if your child is sick or injured.

How can you create a parenting plan?

Parenting plans are made between divorcing parents, so if you already don’t agree, you may need to work with your attorneys to negotiate or go through mediation. Both of you can draw up a parenting plan you’d be happy with and then compare notes. Whatever you have that is the same should be included in your final plan. If there are things you don’t agree on, you can negotiate at your mediation session or with the help of your attorneys.

If there is a significant conflict that neither of you can agree on, then it’s possible to allow the presiding judge to rule on the case. Just know that the judge’s decision is likely irreversible, at least in the immediate future, so you may not want to allow a decision to be made by a third party.