How to know if you’re being victimized by domestic violence

How to know if you’re being victimized by domestic violence

On behalf of Mohajer Law Firm, APC posted in blog on Monday, January 15, 2018.

Domestic violence continues to run rampant throughout society. Chances are, you know someone who is currently suffering from some kind of domestic abuse, but they are so skilled at hiding it that you’re none the wiser. It’s even possible that you, yourself, are a victim of domestic violence, but you’re in denial.

As community members, we all need to do our part to identify cases of domestic abuse and put a stop to it. Ultimately, however, domestic violence will only stop when abused individuals recognize they are being abused and seek help to make it stop.

The signs of domestic violence

Domestic violence often starts with relatively innocuous acts that have violent undertones. For example, a spouse might slam the door, break dishes, call the other spouse names or issue threats. These acts may then elevate to physical violence through pushing, slapping and hitting.

Here are a few things to watch out for from your spouse if you are the person who is being victimized:

Making all of your decisions for you.
Threatening to take your children from you, and saying you’re a bad mother or father.
Making threats to commit suicide.
Causing you to stay home from school or work.
Brushing off abusive actions as if they’re not a big deal.
Threatening to hurt your pets.
Intimidating you with weapons and guns.
Choking you, hitting you, pushing you or slapping you.
Threatening any kind of violence against you, your family or your friends.
Embarrassing insults.
Threatening looks or actions that put you in a state of fear.
A controlling attitude about whom you can see, whom you can talk to and where you can go.
Attempting to prevent you from spending time with friends and family.
Taking your paycheck and your money from you, and requiring you to ask for money.

Are you experiencing anything like the acts described above?

If you have experienced any of the acts of domestic violence described above, it’s important for you to put a stop to it immediately. For one, you need to understand that all of the power of the law is on your side. Secondly, you can file for divorce if you so choose while receiving protection from the police against further abuse.