Is Child Support Considered Income in California?

Is Child Support Considered Income in California?

In California, child support payments are typically not considered income for the recipient, meaning the party who is receiving the child support payments.

Is Child Support Taxable? Is Child Support Tax Deductible?

According to the California Family Code section 4058, child support payments are meant to cover the child’s expenses, and thus are not taxable income for the parent receiving the support. Similarly, they are not tax deductible for the parent making the payments.

Determining Child Support Payments

Child support is considered based on each parent’s income, as well as the time share each parent has with the minor child, or children, along with many other factors. Every family court uses the same type of calculation to determine what is the statewide guideline support amount, meaning the minimum amount a parent must pay to help support the minor children or child.

Use of Child Support

The recipient of a child support payment can use the funds in any way they deem appropriate. They do not need to provide an accounting. They can use it on food, rent, or clothing. They can add it and commingle it with their own accounts to pay for gas, pay for clothing, for anybody, whether it’s themselves or the children. There’s zero accounting or any auditing being done on the funds used from the child support received.

Contact Our Child Support Lawyers

Mohajer Law Firm are experts in family law and can help you and your family navigate your divorce and child support needs in Arcadia or the Greater Los Angeles area. Contact us for an initial consultation to speak with our attorneys. Simply message us through our website or call us today at 626-569-5200.