Should You Get A Prenup?

Should You Get A Prenup?

Without a doubt, you’ve heard of the term prenup before. But do you know what a prenup is? And if you’re planning on getting married soon, should you get a prenup?

One of the most significant decisions you’ll need to make before getting married is whether to get a prenuptial agreement. Below, we’ll explain what this document is, what having one entails, and how to go about setting it up should you decide to go for it.

What Is a Prenup?

Although the term prenup seems to be everywhere, you’ve probably heard it among your friends and family. It’s certainly prevalent in TVs and movies. However, most people do not fully understand the actual purpose or the effects. Here’s what you need to know:

A prenuptial agreement is a contract you enter into with your spouse before getting married. It sets forth the rules that the two of you will follow during your marriage, mainly about assets and debts. 

Sometimes, spousal duties are outlined in a prenuptial agreement.

Perhaps most importantly, however, the prenup contract sets forth the rules you will follow should you ever decide to get divorced in the future. For example, the prenup will outline how assets and debts would be divided, what kind of spousal support (if any) would be provided, and other things.

Is It a Good Idea to Arrange a Prenuptial Agreement Before Marriage?

When it comes to prenuptial agreements, every couple must decide whether they want to sign one. In many ways, it’s simply a personal choice.

Indeed, some couples decide not to sign a prenup because there is a certain pessimism that they even exist. After all, why would you get married in the first place if you could imagine a future where the two of you get divorced?

Other couples can be very practical about prenuptial agreements. They can look at their marriage pragmatically, as an actual contract. Especially when large sums of money and huge assets like houses, boats, and businesses are involved, many people understand the rationality of protecting themselves and their finances. They wouldn’t dream of getting married without signing a prenup.

In the end, whether you sign a prenup is a decision you will need to discuss in-depth with your partner and think about your protection.

Need Help With A Prenuptial Agreement? Contact Us Today

At Mohajer Law Firm, we understand that prenuptial agreements are sensitive subjects. They can also be challenging to understand and navigate in terms of legality.

For this reason, we always make sure that our clients fully understand the process of preparing these contracts. We’ll answer all of your questions and concerns so that you can be sure your marriage and future are protected no matter what.

Give us a call or contact us online today!

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