What’s the purpose of a parenting plan?

What’s the purpose of a parenting plan?

On behalf of Mohajer Law Firm, APC posted in child custody and parenting plans on Friday, May 3, 2019.

Parenting plans are very important when you’re going to live apart from your child and have to work together with an ex-spouse to raise your child according to both of your preferences. A parenting plan helps guide you on how to handle various situations involving your child’s care so that you both respect each other’s own wishes.

A parenting plan is great for parents because it gives them time to sit down together and talk about how they want to raise their child. It may address things such as:

  • Religious upbringing
  • Schooling
  • Medical care and needs
  • Holiday or custody arrangements
  • Time-sharing schedules

Parenting plans absolutely must include a time-sharing schedule that the court can review. It must address parental responsibility, custody, and visitation.

Your parenting plan should discuss legal custody rights and include information on how parents can or will communicate with their children and each other. For example, will you talk to your child through an online video game you play together? Will you communicate via text or phone call? Include that information in your parenting plan for a judge’s approval.

Your parenting plan also needs to include details on how you’ll share the responsibilities and daily tasks of raising your child as well as how much time your child will share with each of you.

Your parenting plan is essential to moving forward with your divorce and working together after your divorce. It should always keep your child or children’s best interests at the core of the arrangements, so you know they’re being raised as well as possible.